Special Meeting
Thu, May 30
|Old Texas Brewing Co.
This Special Meeting has been called by the RHNA Executive Board to vote on: 1. an amendment to the bylaws; and 2. event budgets for 2024.

Time & Location
May 30, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Old Texas Brewing Co., 6333 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76116
About the Event
The updated proposed amendment to the bylaws removes the requirement of the RHNA to pay by check and replaces that requirement allowing the RHNA to pay by any payment method held in the name of RHNA. The proposed amendment also removes the applicability of the $500 expenditure limit that currently applies to all expenditures and instead makes the limit applicable to expenditures not otherwise approved by majority vote. The proposed amendment also implements a requirement that any time prior to an event, that the RHNA executive board propose a budget specific to that event and obtain a majority vote approval of said budget. Expenditures made within an approved event budget will not require any additional approval from the general membership, however any expenditures above and beyond the approved budget will require a majority vote even if said expenditure is less than $500. The event-specific budget approvals will allow the RHNA to operate with ease in planning and executing neighborhood events. Applying the $500 limit without majority approval will set controls for expenditures that are outside the purview of an event-specific budget. And the majority vote approval for all expenditures above an event-specific budget will hold the RHNA executive board accountable to the expectations of its membership.
As always, we will welcome your comments and feedback at the meeting. If you can't make the meeting and want your comment read aloud, please send your comment via email ridgleahillsna@gmail.com